Alfred Edersheim

Alfred Edersheim
1825 - 1889
EDERSHEIM, ALFRED — Born March 7, 1825 (Vienna), died March 16, 1889 (Menton, France). As an author, Edersheim has helped many Christians understand the times of Christ's life.
Edersheim was born to Jewish parents and was educated in a Talmud Torah, receiving a Jewish education for children of parents with modest means. In 1841 he studied at the University of Vienna, Austria. Unable to complete his degree there due to insufficient finances, be began a career of teaching languages in Pesth.
In Pesth he met John Duncan, a Scottish Presbyterian Chaplain, who witnessed to Edersheim. Edersheim converted to Christianity, and went with Duncan to Scottland. He studied theology at New College in Edingurgh, and also at the University of Berlin. In 1846 he became an ordained Presbyterian minister.
Edersheim was a missionary to Jews in Romania, preacher in Aberdeen and in Torquay, curate of the Abbey Church in Hants, and held other positions in the ministry as well as lecturing in universities. Edersheim later became a deacon of the Church of England.
Edersheim is best known for his many books detailing Jewish life, religion, and tradition during the time of Christ's earthly ministry.
Edersheim's late life was difficult due to many health problems. He retired in Menton, France, where he died in 1889.