Linking to SwordSearcher

If you think SwordSearcher is a worthwhile tool, please consider linking to SwordSearcher on your web page(s) to help get the word out. A simple text link to SwordSearcher Bible Software is very helpful. Please link directly to the home page at


Here is a SwordSearcher banner-style button that matches the theme of this website:

SwordSearcher Bible Software

Please send an email if you would like a custom version of the above button for a different color backgound or different size -- we'll gladly make one for you!

You can right-click the button and save it to your hard drive to upload it to your website, or use the following HTML code:

<p align=center>
<a href="">
<img src=""
alt="SwordSearcher Bible Software" border="0"></a></p>


Animated Buttons

There are two animated buttons to choose from -- one for light colored backgrounds, and one for dark-colored backgrounds. The one you should use depends on where it will be placed on your web page.

You can right-click an image and select "Save Picture" to save it to your hard drive and upload it to your web site, or you can just copy the HTML code from below the image.

SwordSearcher Bible Software

<p align="center">
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="SwordSearcher Bible Software" width="190" height="77" border="0" />

SwordSearcher Bible Software

<p align="center">
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="SwordSearcher Bible Software" width="190" height="77" border="0" />